Gay couple brutally beaten just metres from their front door by ‘terrifying’ homophobic mob

Dan Wilson (L) and Rob Morris (R).

A gay couple were left with cracked ribs and other injuries after they were violently beaten by a homophobic mob outside a gay club.

Dan Wilson and Rob Morris were attacked outside Colors nightclub in Basildon, Essex, in the early hours of Sunday morning (10 October), according to Echo News.

Morris was dressed in drag at the time of the attack, which occurred just metres away from their apartment. The couple left the nightclub at 1am – but they were quickly apprehended by a group of five men.

“It was terrifying, we didn’t know if they had any weapons,” Wilson told Echo News.

“Rob had been dressed in drag at the time. We knew straightaway they were coming straight for us.

“We’re covered in cuts and bruises, and I’ve got cracked ribs.”

Wilson said his partner Morris “came off worse” in the attack. Both men had their heads stamped on by the homophobic mob.

He described the attack as “horrible”, adding that he was “so grateful” for the couple who intervened and put a stop to the beating.

“They prevented it getting any worse,” he said.

“This kind of thing just shouldn’t be happening. Basildon is meant to be promoting the LGBT+ community.”

Homophobic mob shouted ‘homophobic chants’ while beating gay couple

The couple said they called 999 on five separate occasions on the night, but Essex Police never turned up to the scene. They didn’t hear from police until Monday morning (11 October).

Dan Wilson’s father Dave told Echo News that he keeps getting “really upset” when he thinks about the homophobic attack.

“These people need to be named and shamed. I’m completely lost for words at what happened.

“They were shouting homophobic chants while beating up my son, it’s disgusting.”

Wilson and Morris went to A&E after the attack where they received treatment for their injuries. They were discharged on Sunday morning.

An Essex Police spokesperson said: “We are investigating after a man was assaulted in Southernhay, Basildon in the early hours of Sunday 10 October.

“The victim sustained a number of injuries after being attacked by a group of five people who also shouted homophobic abuse at him. An officer has been allocated to the investigation.

“He has been in contact with the victim and our enquiries are ongoing.”

The attack is just the latest in a long string of anti-LGBT+ hate crimes to occur in the UK in recent months. Homophobic hate crime reports have tripled and transphobic hate crime reports have quadrupled in the last six years alone, according to figures obtained by Vice.

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