Proud mum’s response to her trans son’s creative coming out is a masterclass in parenting

Prepare for your heart to be melted. A Colorado mother has shared the creative way her trans son came out to her and it’s the most adorable thing ever.

Cherie Garcia, of Centennial, recently a shared a tweet with a photograph of a ransom-style note her trans son handed to her in an envelope with the request that she didn’t read it until he had left the house.

“Congatulations!” the letter reads, “You are now the proud owner of your very own son. Please use he/him pronouns for me now.”

Garcia explains in the tweet that she got in touch with her son after reading the letter to ensure he knew she accepted him – and to poke fun at his unfortunate spelling mistake.

“After opening it, I called to let him know that the *only* thing that’s wrong with this is the ‘r’ he accidentally left out of congratulations.”

The tweet has now been liked nearly 25,000 times with many other parents of trans children congratulating the mother and son, and sharing their own experiences.

I love the drama of it,” one mother replied. “My own non-binary kiddo nailed a note to their door in the middle of the night and declared that if we must refer to them, to refer to them as our spawn. I commented on the atrocious handwriting.”

In subsequent tweets, Garcia continued to emphasise her acceptance of her trans son. “There is nothing my kids could do to lose my support and unconditional love. My prayer for each of them is that they live life as their authentic selves, without compromise. My teen is figuring things out and I support him 100 per cent, because God created both of my babies perfectly.”

If anything, it seems the contents of the letter turned out to be something of a relief for the mother.

“I walked by his room before he gave it to me and I happened to be on the phone with his dad (we’re divorced). Dad asked how Crow was doing and I said, ‘They’re either working on homework or holding someone ransom.’

“I was relieved that it wasn’t the latter when I opened the envelope,” Garcia jokingly confessed.

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