Conversion therapy bishop formally stripped of powers after marrying Satanic porn writer

Xavier Novell, a former bishop who was known for conversion therapy

A bishop who was known for performing exorcisms and conversion therapy has been formally stripped of his powers after marrying a Satanic porn writer.

Xavier Novell, 52, the former Bishop of Solsona, Spain, made headlines around the world when he resigned in September after falling in love with Satanic erotic author and psychologist Silvia Caballol.

Novell became Spain’s youngest bishop when he was appointed in 2010 at 41 years old, but studying demonology he met Caballol, whose works include the erotic trilogy Amnesia and The Hell of Gabriel’s Lust.

Novell fell head over heels and dropped out of the priesthood. According to the Catholic news site Religión Digital, he said at the time: “I have fallen in love with a woman, for the first time in my life and I want to do things the right way.”

He resigned for “strictly personal reasons”, and despite his former colleagues telling the media that he had been possessed by demons, he reportedly refused an exorcism.

Now, he has been formally stripped of his powers as a bishop, according to Solsona’s apostolic administrator, after the conversion therapy-practicing bishop and the porn writer tied the knot last month.

According to The Independent, the administrator said in a statement: “This means that Bishop Xavier Novell i Gomà, while maintaining his status as bishop, cannot perform any of the functions that derive from such status; among others, the administration of the sacraments and any teaching activity, both in public and private, is prohibited.”

But Novell is certainly not out of work.

Before joining the priesthood, he attended university and earned a degree in agricultural engineering, according to El Mundo.

Novell has now found his calling at a company which specialises in exporting “premium sperm” for “swine artificial insemination”.

According to the publication, his new employer – Semen Cardona – is an international “leading company” in the pig sperm trade.

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