Miley Cyrus helps gay man propose to boyfriend while calling own marriage a ‘f**king disaster’

Miley Cyrus on stage during gay couple's proposal

Miley Cyrus invited a gay couple up on stage for a beautiful proposal during her iconic set at Lollapalooza Brazil 2022.

It turned out that the couple had met at a Miley Cyrus concert seven years agoc and had soon fallen in love.

During the show on Saturday (26 March), the couple took to the stage, and the man proposing told his partner in Portuguese: “Seven years ago was the last time she [Cyrus] came to Brazil, one week later we started dating.

“I couldn’t handle not having you with me at this moment, we came together, got here at 9am, spent the whole day over there [backstage], and we will do this for the rest of our lives together because I want to know…”

Getting down on one knee, he finished: “If you will marry me?”

The singer was overjoyed, despite not understanding a word of the proposal, and shouted: “Yasss!”

Miley Cyrus, who tied the knot with Liam Hemsworth in 2018 and divorced him less than a year later, then said: “Honey, I hope your marriage goes better than mine. Mine was a f**king disaster.”

In terms of LGBT+ rights and legislation, Brazil is extremely progressive compared to some of its South American neighbours.

Same-sex marriage was legalised across the country in 2013, and some states began legalising civil unions in 2004. Adoption by same-sex couples has been legal since 2010, transphobic and homophobic discrimination in illegal, and trans folk are about to amend their legal gender with no need for medical interventions. Same-sex sexual activity has been legal since 1831.

But under right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro, anti-LGBT+ violence has been soaring, and Brazil is the deadliest country in the world for LGBT+ folk.

According to LGBT+ rights group Grupo Gay da Bahia, which has been monitoring statistics on anti-LGBT+ violence in Brazil for 40 years, there were 300 LGBT+ deaths in 2021.

The number of deaths averages out at one every 29 hours. 276 of these (92 per cent) were murders, while the remaining 24 deaths were suicides. 

Gay men accounted for 51 per cent of these deaths, and trans women for 36 per cent.

In 2020, for the first time, the number of trans women killed exceeded the number of gay men.

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