LGBT+ protesters get ready to unite and tell the government: Ban trans conversion therapy now

Protesters to descend on Westminster to demand trans conversion therapy ban

Protesters will descend on Westminster on Sunday (10 April) after the government announced that it will exclude trans people from its ban on conversion therapy.

The group Ban Conversion Therapy has organised the protest in London, stating in a Twitter post: “There must be no exemptions to ending abhorrent conversion practices. There is no excuse for abuse.”

Alongside protest plans, a petition demanding the Government include trans people in a ban on conversion therapy has now reached over 48,000 signatures since it was launched on Wednesday (6 April).

“It’s shameful that the UK intends to deliberately exclude trans people from a ban in contrast to the approach taken by many countries, despite trans people being at a greater risk of experiencing the harmful and degrading practices,” the petition states.

“The government’s own figures show that trans people are nearly twice as likely to be at risk of experiencing the harmful and degrading practices of conversion therapy.”

Boris Johnson doubled down on the decision to leave trans people out of a ban on conversion therapy on Wednesday (6 April).

“We will have a ban on gay conversion therapy, which to me is utterly abhorrent,” he said.

“But there are complexities and sensitivities when you move from the area of sexuality to the question of gender. There, I’m afraid, there are things that I think still need to be worked out.”
He added that he is “immensely sympathetic to people who want to change gender, to transition”, however, it is “vital” that “we give people the maximum possible love and support” when “making those decisions”.
But he said “these are complex issues” which he did not think “can be solved in one swift, easy piece of legislation”.

LGBT+ charity Stonewall said in a statement on Monday (4 April) that each passing day without a comprehensive and inclusive ban is another day where LGBT+ are suffering from harm.

“Trans people are no less worth of respect, care and protection than cis lesbian, gay and bi people,” Stonewall wrote.

“Conversion therapy is happening to LGBTQ+ people in the UK right now, and every day without a ban is a day where LGBTQ+ people remain at risk of lifelong harm.”

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