Time Traveler’s Wife character goes back in time to blow himself in new HBO series. No, really

The Time Traveler's Wife blowjob scene

HBO series The Time Traveler’s Wife has included a scene in which the teen protagonist hops back in time to blow himself.

The Time Traveler’s Wife is the second adaptation of the beloved 2003 novel of the same name, following the 2009 film starring Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams.

The story follows protagonist Henry, who has a genetic condition which causes him to involuntarily time travel, and his relationship with his wife Clare.

A TV adaptation premiered on 15 May, streaming on HBO Max, and in the second episode, viewers were treated to a bizarre scene from the book that never made its way into the movie.

In a conversation with Clare (Rose Leslie), Henry (Theo James) recalls when, as a teenager, he used his time travelling abilities to give himself oral sex.

A cringe-worthy flashback ensues, in which a teenage Henry (Brian Altemus) is doing the deed with himself under the covers in his childhood bedroom, before his dad walks in on him.


The adult Henry tells Clare: “I mean, I’m not gay… but you know? You would, wouldn’t you?”

Confused, Clare points out: “You went gay for yourself?”

“OK, come on,” he responds. “I was 16.”

While some viewers said the scene made “The Time Traveler’s Wife the best show on TV right now”, others didn’t quite know what to do with themselves.

The Time Traveler’s Wife is truly wild,” one person tweeted.

“Just straight up jumping from an incredibly depressing scene to: ‘Of course I time travelled to suck myself off, wouldn’t you?'”

Decider branded the moment the “most baffling blowjob scene in TV history”, with critic Meghan O’Keefe adding: “I can’t quite put my finger on why the scene is so disturbing, but it will haunt me for the rest of my goddamn life.”

Others were glad that, if nothing else, the show had remained true to the book.

One wrote: “I’m glad they didn’t chicken out like the movie: They actually put the ‘I time-travelled a few months back and gave myself a blowjob’ scene from the book!”

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