Raging homophobe sues insurance company because his life-size Noah’s Ark got rained on

Christian fundamentalist Ken Ham

Fundamentalist Ken Ham is suing his insurance company after his life-size Noah’s Ark museum was hit by too much rain.

Ham owns the Ark Encounter, a Noah’s Ark–themed creationist amusement park with a “life-size” ark, as well as the Creation Museum, which teaches visitors of all ages that humans and dinosaurs co-existed, that humans did not cause climate change, and that our planet is just 6,000 years old. Both attractions are located in Kentucky.

But, despite its biblical inspiration purportedly surviving a global flood, a lawsuit has suggested that the access road to the Ark Encounter was no match for the rain.

According to the Courier Journal, in a 77-page lawsuit, Ark Encounter has asked for compensatory and punitive damages because its insurance provider refused to cover rain damage.

Heavy rainfall caused landslides on the access road to the Ark Encounter in 2017 and 2018, the lawsuit states, although the 510-foot wooden ark was undamaged.

Ark Encounter owner Ken Ham thinks gay people are ‘twisted’ and being trans is the ‘Devil’s lie’

Ham, a fundamentalist who believes in a literal interpretation of the Bible, also runs a ministry named Answers in Genesis, which describes “homosexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality, transgenderism, transvestitism and non-binarism” as “twisted and corrupt”.

Last year, he wrote several blog posts discussing LGBTQ+ people.

In one, he warned Christian parents of a gay choir that “a desire to sway minors into the gay lifestyle”, and in another, he declared that more young people felt comfortable to come out as trans because “society is pushing children away from the biblical definition of male and female and indoctrinating and seducing impressionable young people with the lie that happiness is found in freedom from the ‘shackles’ of manhood and womanhood”.

He described affirming trans people as “dangerous”, and encouraged his followers “to share the hope of the gospel with those who have bought the culture’s lie – which is the Devil’s lie”.

Unsurprisingly, both the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum refuse to hire LGBTQ+ employees.

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