High-ranking diplomat arrested on suspicion of murdering husband and trying to cover up attack

Walter Biot (left) and Uwe Hahn (Right) hold up drinks together.

A German diplomat in Brazil has been arrested on suspicion of killing his husband and attempting to cover it up.

Uwe Herbert Hahn told authorities that his Belgian husband, Walter Henri Maximilien Biot, had taken ill on Friday and fatally hit his head after collapsing.

But after post-mortem analysis was inconsistent with his version events, according to AFP.

Police said that Biot had sustained injuries suggesting an aggravated assault had taken place.

“The version of events given by the consul, that the victim suffered a fall, is incompatible with the conclusions of the forensics report,” officer Camila Lourenco said on social media, alongside images of a blood-smeared crime scene.

“It found various bruises, including on the torso, compatible with injuries inflicted by stomping, as well as lesions compatible with an attack with a cylindrical instrument. The cadaver is screaming out the circumstances of its death.”

Police arrested Hahn in his Ipanema, Rio De Janeiro apartment on Saturday (6 August).

Local media reported that Hahn is alleged to have attempted to cover-up the scene by cleaning up evidence and telling officers that Biot had been drinking a lot and taking sleeping pills.

Hahn will not be given diplomatic immunity considering the nature of the alleged crime, according to The Straits Times. If found guilty of intentional homicide, Hahn could face up to 30 years in prison.

His husband of 23 years was days away from celebrating 53rd birthday, according to pictures of his ID obtained by local press.

Authorities at the foreign ministry in Berlin told Reuters that its embassy in Brazil and consulate in Rio De Janeiro were working in close contact with Brazilian authorities who are in charge of investigating the case. Police and embassy statements have yet to be officially made due to ongoing investigations.


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