Jennifer Lopez ‘turned away dancers for being Virgos’, says Glee’s Heather Morris

Photo collage of Heather and Jennifer

Glee actor Heather Morris has claimed Jennifer Lopez once cut dancers from an audition because of their zodiac sign.

Morris, who played Brittany on the hit show and is also a professional dancer, said she was auditioning for a Jennifer Lopez project when the singer came in, asked if there were any Virgos present, and promptly sent them packing.

Lopez, a Leo, “came in the very last part of it to see the dancers that were left [and] meet everybody,” said Morris, an Aquarius.

She told Justin Martindale’s Just Sayin’ podcast: “I wasn’t there, so this is hearsay, but she walks in the room and she said ‘thank you so much, you guys have worked so hard. By a show of hands if there are any Virgos in the room, can you just raise your hand’.”

After a brief hushed back-and-forth with her assistant, Lopez then allegedly turned to the group and said: “Thank you so much for coming.”

“And they had to leave, after spending all day auditioning for Jennifer Lopez,” Morris continued, while emphasising that despite it being “hearsay”, it was “still true”.

“When one person says something, could be true. When multiple people say something. That’s kind of the rule… when multiple people tell the story, it’s kind of like, oh, that happened.”




A clip of the podcast received thousands of likes, with several users commenting things like: “Too bad because the best dancers I know are Virgos. She didn’t want to be upstaged, clearly.”

Others didn’t find the allegations so funny. One user said “this is what it’s like in the industry though, just not that blatant and obvious”, while others criticised Lopez.

The question of zodiac sign-related discrimination came up in 2019 after a post looking for roomates went viral for refusing Capricorns – people born between 22 December and 19 January.

“Our main goal is to keep things egalitarian, without anyone being ‘in charge’ or domming the household,” the original post read, according to The Guardian. “I love Capricorns, but I don’t think I could live with one.”

The argument as to whether the exclusion counted as discrimination was “legally tenuous” according to University of California professor David Levine, who added: “In order for this to be legally considered discrimination, you have to fall within a protected category. Otherwise, you can choose to create a housing contract for any reason you want.”

Several screenshots of responses from the original poster detailed accounts of them having concerns over Capricorns, including one saying the home was a “Virgo/Gemini house”.



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