Monkeypox: US confirms 31 child cases in latest outbreak update

A silhouette of two children offset by simplified graphics of monkeypox cells.

The United States has recorded at least 31 confirmed cases of monkeypox in children.

Officials in 11 US states have, so far, discovered one or more monkeypox cases in children in across the country – including two under the age of four in Florida, reports ABC News.

The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) previously reported on monkeypox in adolescents on 22 August, outlining various considerations and clinic management advice for both doctors and home care.

It warned young children with eczema and other skin conditions could be at an increased risk.

“Once illness occurs, the clinical presentation is expected to be similar to that in adults,” the report stated.

“However, it is not known whether children are more susceptible to monkeypox than adults or whether clinical outcomes differ from those in adults.

“Children and adolescents presenting with signs and symptoms suspicious for monkeypox should be tested for monkeypox, particularly if the children meet epidemiologic criteria.”

In the same week, a Washington State infant was hospitalised after catching the illness. Physicians caring for the child say they were infected by a family member.

Seattle Children’s Hospital medical director Dr Danielle Zerr told ABC News the child was being treated with a smallpox treatment TPOXX, recovering and officials were creating a discharge plan.

Right-wing attacks on the LGBTQ+ community over monkeypox

Unfortunately, several anti-LGBTQ+ pundits have used these confirmed infections to make extremely vile and false claims about the queer community.

Misinformation powerhouse Marjorie Taylor Greene insinuated that, due to her false belief that monkeypox is a sexually transmitted infection, kids were being infected through abuse.

It followed previous implications she made that monkeypox is a “gay disease,” – which is simply not true.

“If monkeypox is a sexually transmitted disease, why are kids getting it?” the Republican said in a 23 July tweet while linking to a clip from CDC director Rochelle Walensky.

Several users were quick to correct Greene, clarifying that monkeypox is not classified as an STI and, while sexual activity with an infected person will transmit the disease, it is mainly passed on through skin-to-skin contact.

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