Church’s Pride flag covered in faeces by disgusting homophobic thugs

The Pride flag vandalised by anti-LGBTQ+ residents in Pennsylvania.

A Pennsylvanian church’s Pride flag was left covered in faeces in a deplorable act of homophobic vandalism.

St Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Yardley, Pennsylvania had its Pride flag stolen from its mount and defaced on Wednesday (28 September) – the latest in several that have been stolen or destroyed.

The widely pro-LGBTQ+ Christian church shared a picture of the damaged flag in an Instagram post.

“Our sexton found the flag lying in the parking lot smeared with faeces,” the church wrote.

“With thanks to a prisoner, the mounting and the Pride flag have already been replaced.”

The church added that Yardley Police Department authorities were “very active and responsive” and are currently investigating the vandalism case.

Church attacks ‘specifically anti-LGBTQ+’

This isn’t the first time St Andrew’s has experienced pushback for its LGBTQ-inclusive sentiments. In December 2021, anti-LGBTQ+ locals vandalised a set of supportive signs placed around Yardley.

The signs, reading “everyone is welcome here”, were either stolen or damaged beyond repair according to reverend Hilary Greer, who initially thought it was just a prank.

She told Courier Times the vandalism “kept increasing” and was only happening to the LGBTQ-specific signs, “so this is very specifically anti-LGBTQ+”.

The church added in a statement. “We will pray for those who reject our message of inclusion and resort to acts of vandalism.

“We cannot allow them to intimidate or cause us to waiver from our commitment to publicly proclaim God’s love and welcome for all people.”

Church staff contacted the police on both occasions in order to file a formal report as well as local officials to help deal with the issue.

Additionally, administrators held a meeting on 28 August to discuss the situation regarding the signs after “one was thrown into the lake”.

The meeting aimed to prime the parish on the current status of LGBTQ+ rights in Pennsylvania and how it related to the US as a whole. It also clarified how, from a religious standpoint, members of the church could help.

One user commented on the post, saying: “This is so sad. I stand with this congregation even though I’m thousands of miles away. Jesus preached love, not hate.”

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