Homophobic group asked people to report Texas drag shows. It backfired, hilariously

Texas drag queens

LGBTQ+ allies have trolled a Texas-based group calling for people to ‘report’ drag shows in the US state.

The group – Defend Our Kids Texas – was launched by right-wing commentator Sara Gonzales in October.

She called for people to “join us in the fight to get drag shows for kids shut down for good”.

There are a number of groups similar to Defend Our Kids Texas in the United States, which also target things other than drag, such as ‘critical race theory’.

Many of their websites have systems to ‘report’ places where the activities and ideas they are against are happening, although it is not clear what happens with the submitted information.

As a result, one Twitter user decided to post the entire script to the DreamWorks’ 2007 cult classic Bee Movie as a report to Defend Our Kids Texas.

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“It would be a shame if this website was filled with dumb nonsense,” the user tweeted in a thread.

The original tweet gained traction – getting more than 79,000 likes and almost 15,000 retweets in just over a day.

Other Twitter users replied with screenshots of what they had reportedly submitted, including Shrek erotica and the details for Texas senator Ted Cruz’s office.

A number of people indicated the Defend Our Kids Texas site eventually crashed. It appeared to be down when PinkNews tried to access it multiple times on Tuesday (6 December).

A screen grab of the Defend Our Kids Texas website when PinkNews tried to access it.

When Gonzales launched the group, she appeared on the Fox News show Tucker Carlson Tonight calling drag “clear child abuse” and not speaking out about it being “inexcusable”.

A video of a drag brunch appears alongside the pair, which they talk about reportedly being an “all ages” show with sex toys given out, but only adults can be seen in the audience.

She separately shared the drag brunch video on Twitter, where users pointed out the show was ticketed and attendees were advised “if you would not allow your children to see a Rated R moved or watch TV-MA programming this is not the event for them”.

Drag performers have increasingly become a target of right-wing politics in the US.

In recent months, a right-wing Christian group in Idaho claimed to be drafting a bill to ban all public drag performances in the state.

Something Similar is underway from Republican lawmakers in Tennessee and congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has said it should be illegal to take children to drag shows.

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