Rebel Wilson shared some honest words about her surrogacy struggles: ‘You feel a little disconnected’

Rebel Wilson slightly tilted wearing red lipstick and a black dress, cropped to show her shoulder and head (Getty)

Rebel Wilson has given a candid insight into her “emotional” surrogacy journey a month after becoming a new mother. 

The Australian comedian announced the birth of her daughter, Royce Lillian, via surrogacy in early November, thanking her surrogate for helping her to start her “own family”.

In a new interview with Today, Wilson opened up further about the two-year-long journey, explaining how she realised she wanted to become a mother as she approached 40. 

“At the time, I didn’t have a partner, and so I went to the fertility doctor,” she began, detailing how she initially embarked on “a year of health” to support her fertility journey. 

After starting IVF, Wilson went through three gruelling egg-harvesting procedures from which she tried to create embryos.

She recalled it was “devastating” to find out that none of them survived during filming for her upcoming movie The Almond and the Seahorse.

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“I had done all this, lost 80 pounds, I was being healthy and [doing] everything the doctors had said, and feeling awesome – and then it didn’t work,” she continued.

“All 18 eggs that I had, none of them worked. I was like, ‘Oh my god.’ It was such an emotional roller coaster”.

It was around this time that Wilson gave her followers an insight into her fertility journey on Instagram, sharing a post in solidarity with other people encountering fertility struggles.

“The universe works in mysterious ways and sometimes it all doesn’t make sense but I hope there’s light about to shine through all the dark clouds.” she wrote at the time.

After a few more attempts, Wilson decided to opt for surrogacy, and eventually welcomed her “gorgeous baby girl”.

Even so, the comedian was refreshingly honest about the differences of becoming a mother through this method.

“Having a baby via a surrogate is a bit different of an experience because, in a way, you feel a little disconnected,” she said.

“Even though I had this gorgeous surrogate who was so loving and it was so awesome to get to do this with her.

“But then it’s not until the baby literally popped out – it was almost like a comedy scene – and then you hold the baby and cut the umbilical cord and…it was just amazing and so emotional.”

It’s certainly been a pivotal year for Wilson, who also came out as queer earlier in the year after introducing the world to her partner Ramona Agruma.

Speaking about settling into this new phase of her life, Wilson told The Hollywood Reporter: “I’m so lucky to have such a supportive family.

“My mom has been here and I have my girlfriend, Ramona, who is just amazing. Even having all of them here to help it’s still a lot.

“I went from being a single woman to having an instant family, in a way. It’s definitely been a big adjustment.”

Wilson’s upcoming film The Almond and the Seahorse sees her character Sarah form a connection with another woman Toni (Charlotte Gainsbourg), and definitely looks like one to watch.

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