Gender critical activist quotes Adolf Hitler in speech against trans rights at Posie Parker rally

Lisa Morgan speaking at an anti-trans rally in Newcastle

A so-called gender critical activist has been caught on camera quoting Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf in a speech against trans rights at an anti-trans rally in Newcastle . 

Dozens of anti-trans activists assembled outside the 1914 Memorial in the gardens of St Thomas’ church in Newcastle’s city centre on Sunday (January 15) between 12pm and 2pm.

A huge group of counter-protesters – who waved Pride flags, banners and shouted pro-LGBTQ+ chants – was also in attendance and appear to have been based outside the nearby Newcastle City Council building, an estimated 400 metres away. 

The event was part of the Let Women Speak tour by notorious anti-trans activist Posie Parker and featured several gender critical speakers who addressed the crowd, in front of a large, grey ‘adult human female’ banner. 

During the event, one gender critical speaker – who has been identified as UK Guild of Hypnosis Practitioners (UKGH) chair Lisa Morgan – quoted Adolf Hitler’s 1925 manifesto Mein Kampf

Addressing the crowd, the hypnosis practitioner of 30 years said: “I know about language, and I know that this [gestures to counter-protesters] is based on something that we call the big lie. 

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“Do you know the big lie? The big lie was first described by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf

“The big lie is such a big lie that ordinary people like us think, ‘Well, that can’t be a lie because I would never tell such a big lie as that. We only lie in small ways.’ 

“The big lie, well there is one big lie going on, and it was begun by men in the early part of the 20th century. It began when they had an erotic fantasy and they decided they were going to sell us the big lie – and what is the big lie? 

“The big lie is that trans women are women. But they’re not are they? They’re men and we know that.”

The term ‘big lie’ was coined by Hitler in Mein Kampf and was used by the German leader as a technique to describe the behaviour of Jewish people. Specifically, he accused Jews of using the ‘big lie’ to discredit Germany’s efforts in World War I and blame the country’s loss on general Erich Ludendorff.

It is widely believed this technique was used by the Nazis as part of their extensive propaganda to turn the German people against the Jews and justify the Holocaust. 

Ms Morgan’s use of Hitler’s words come just days after the home secretary Suella Braverman was confronted by 83-year-old Holocaust survivor Joan Salter, over her use of language to describe refugees. 

“When I hear you using words against refugees like ‘swarms’ and an ‘invasion’, I am reminded of the language used to dehumanise and justify the murder of my family and millions of others,” Ms Salter said at the constituency event in Fareham, Hampshire. 

The home secretary has refused to apologise.  

One counter-protester, named Abbie, told PinkNews that the use of Hitler’s ideas by anti-trans activists made both her – as well as the wider community in Newcastle – feel “angry”. 

“Who in the right mind quotes Hitler!?,” she said. 

At the same time, Abbie praised the sense of community felt at the counter-protest. 

She explained: “I found the LGBTQ Community really came together to support each other for their rights. 

“We were loud and proud. 

“The police handled it all very well. On a personal level, it helped me find my voice to speak up for my trans friends. I’m happy I was able to support them.”

A spokesperson for Newcastle City Council tells PinkNews it is “a safe and welcoming city that celebrates diversity and champions equality in all aspects of life, while not accepting any form of hate or discrimination.”

But it also states it upholds a European Convention of Human Rights ruling which gives groups the right to demonstrate.

“As this demonstration took place in a public place, the council had no authority to prevent it from going ahead, regardless of whether or not the messages given out were consistent with our own values,” it adds.

One man arrested at the protest

There was significant police presence at the event, with around 15 officers positioned between the two groups.  One person was arrested, however Northumbria Police were unable to confirm to PinkNews which side the individual was from. 

A spokesperson for the force said: “A 19-year-old man was arrested for a breach of the peace. He was later released.”

Northern Pride director Ste Dunn said: “Northern Pride joined the large number of people and community groups who banded together to drown out the voices of the hateful protestors and speakers who came to Newcastle to try and cause upset in the city.

“While we are disappointed that they felt it necessary to do this, we are very proud of the fact that they were outnumbered by the crowds of people who came to support trans rights and behaved in a peaceful and positive way.

“Newcastle and the North East has strong support for all the LGBTQIA+ community and we hope that the small group of protestors will realise that and will never come back.”

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