Far-right group outnumbered by LGBTQ+ protesters in sad attempt to shut down London drag event

Anti-fascism and LGBTQ+ signs raised at the Honor Oak Pub.

A far-right anti-drag rally in the UK was met with overwhelming backlash from anti-fascist, pro-LGBTQ+ activists.

The anti-drag rally, planned by Turning Point UK, was held at the Honor Oak Pub in South East London on Saturday (25 March).

The relatively small crowd of anti-drag protesters was swamped by hundreds of LGBTQ+ activists who chanted that the group was “not welcome here”.

The London pub has become a hot spot for drag-related controversy after far-right pundits held a protest in February attempting to shut down a drag event.

Since then, the pub has been a London flashpoint for anti-drag protestors, who have routinely scheduled rallies and been overwhelmed by pro-drag counter-protests at every event.

Saturday’s counter-protest was no different, with supporters of Turning Point UK – an offshoot of an American far-right organisation – being wholly drowned out by cheers of solidarity.

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The far-right group held banners featuring the slogan “groom dogs, not kids” – part of tired and evidence-free rhetoric that the LGBTQ+ community and specifically drag queens are a threat to children.


Counter-protestors could be seen in their hundreds waving signs of anti-fascism and pro-LGBTQ+ support.

They were joined by drag artist That Girl, who hosts a weekly drag brunch at the pub. She made a speech thanking the attendance.

“Thank you so much for coming out today, please continue to support us for as long as this goes on,” she said.

“Hopefully they’ll get bored eventually because they’ll realise they’re not welcome here.”

Various far-right pundits, groups and organisations have joined anti-LGBTQ+ rallies outside the Honor Oak Pub since the beginning of its drag storytime events.

GB News host Calvin Robinson was joined by far-right pundit Laurence Fox during a previous protest, which saw an equally small turnout.

Despite a poor turnout of anti-LGBTQ+ protesters, there was enough of a presence to warrant police to separate the two crowds at the most recent clash.

Prior to the event, Honor Oak released a statement anticipating the anti-drag protest, posting on social media that it thanked those who “offered to attend in solidarity with us”.

“We ask you not to engage with any protestors – they are not looking for a conversation and we will not dignify their bigotry with a response,” the statement read.

“This is not about the children, nor has it ever been about the children.

“This is queerphobia masquerading as concern, plain and simple.”

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