Gay GB News pundit clashes with colleague over bigoted rant comparing being gay to paedophilia

GB News personalities Albie Amankona and Bushra Shaikh have clashed over number of homophobic posts Shaikh shared on X.

Two GB News personalities – Albie Amankona and Bushra Shaikh – have publicly clashed on social media after Shaikh compared being gay to being a paedophile in a vile post.

Shaikh, 40, a former contestant on The Apprentice and media commentator who regularly appears on controversial right-wing channel GB News, came under fire on Thursday (17 August) for sharing a homophobic rant on X, formerly known as Twitter. 

Shaikh wrote that she will “never teach my kids that homosexuality or transgenderism is normal” before arguing that this stance is “NOT homophobic”. The term “transgenderism” is used by extreme anti-LGBTQ+ lawmakers like Marjorie Taylor Greene and news hosts such as Michael Knowles, who has called for “transgenderism to be eradicated”.

She then followed up with a post where she equated homosexuality with paedophilia, writing: “Nobody is born gay. It is a choice. Nobody is born a paedo either right … Both are wrong.”

Her vile rant was called out by fellow GB News commentator Amankona, who is openly gay. Amankona accused her of saying “stupid things for attention, a few TV hits and followers”, and clarified that her views are homophobic.

However, Shaikh continued to argue that her position is not homophobic, replying to Amankona in a repost, where she wrote: “I know you’re gay Albie and will feel attacked by this tweet. However, my position will not change”, before suggesting that Islamophobic sentiment is acceptable due to freedom of speech and therefore homophobia should be, too.

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“It’s the equivalent of me being targeted daily for being a Muslim,” she wrote. “Freedom of expression will also include the things we do not like.”

Her posts on X come mere days after two gay men were stabbed outside the LGBTQ+ Two Brewers bar in Clapham, in a homophobic attack.

Shaikh has only doubled down on her views since, posting a much longer homophobic diatribe on Friday (18 August), where she accused the “left” of forcing LGBTQ+ acceptance on society, and claimed that homosexuality causes “societal problems”.

She explained her views are due to her Muslim faith, essentially disregarding the existence of queer and trans Muslims around the world.

GB News presenters and pundit have previously come under fire for bigoted rhetoric and casual homophobia, with Andrew Pierce sparking backlash in May for remarking that Prince William and Princess Katherine’s visit to a bar in Soho would end with them being “mobbed by gays”.

The controversial channel, which consistently broadcasts far-right and anti-LGBTQ+ views, boasts shows by former actor Lawrence Fox, who filmed himself burning Progress Pride flags on Father’s Day this year, Conservative backbencher Jacob Rees-Mogg and far-right politician Nigel Farage.

Some social media users have questioned why Amankona is surprised that Shaikh, as a GB News commentator, holds bigoted views, with several urging him to quit the channel if he wants to take a stand.

“‘I never thought they’d come for me’ posted the GBNews employed Tory,” one user commented. Another wrote: “You choose to work alongside this person on a platform that amplifies views like this every single day.”

Shaikh’s full post on X from Friday reads: “If you do not believe in God then this Xpost is not for you. And if you cannot separate your emotion from an opinion on homosexuality then this is also not for you.

“I’m Muslim and Islam does not condone the (act of) homosexuality. It is seen as unnatural and immoral. Other religions hold similar views. It is viewed as a misdirected attraction which requires reconfiguration from the initial feeling (in the mind).

“As it has been normalised, intervention has been lost. There are hundreds of private stories from people who thought they were gay but were not in the end – like trans. God ordains that which is good for society overall and rejects corruption.

“Just because you feel attraction for the same gender doesn’t automatically make it right for you. The natural order has always been man & woman- procreation. Homosexuality does not allow this, resulting in additional societal problems.

“In addition to this, those that hold this view do not ‘hate’ LGBTQ. People should be treated kindly regardless of sexuality** and condemn any violence. Considering we don’t plaster who we’re attracted to on our foreheads. But we also do not support the active openness of homosexuality either. ** unless they’re paedos.

“Note: being gay is not a sin until those feelings are acted upon. What is done in your own home behind closed doors is nobody’s business, until it starts imposing itself onto others.

“You can disagree by all means and not like this position. However you do not get to abuse. The LGBTQ community has to accept this as our way of life and values for many.

“If the left want to force this on us, then expect push back from those who do not want it. It is our society too. And if this is classified as homophobia, then it is what it is. I’d say much of Britain and the world is homophobic in that case. Peace.”

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