Video: Britney Spears films spoof gay perfume ad

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Britney Spears has been reinforcing her status as a gay icon by filming a spoof perfume advertisement for gays.

The perfume, named ‘Mo’, has the tagline “One spray and the gays will run your way!”

The singer made the 41-second video for Logo TV network’s NewNowNext awards ceremony, at which she is set to receive their Always Next, Forever Now award, and gently mocks her own status as face of her own perfume range.

The advert shows Britney testing out new fragrances and then splices together some of the raunchier scenes from her own music videos.

A dramatic voiceover delivers the lines: “With her first perfume she was curious. Another scent allowed her to believe. And the next put her in control to her live out her fantasy.”

Images of gay and lesbian couples appear as Britney introduces the seemingly unisex fragrance entitled ‘Mo’, which, unfortunately, will not be available in shops anytime soon.

Executive producer Christopher Willey told “She’s having fun with her gay audience, because she’s an official gay icon at such a young and tender age.

“She has this natural rapport with the gay community. I think she just really likes her gay fans and she sees this as a way to talk directly to them, which she hasn’t really done before.”

He added: “Britney herself wanted to make sure that the punchline – which is the word ‘Mo – wasn’t offensive in any way.”

Last month, Britney showed her support for gay marriage following the Miss California controversy.

After the beauty queen publicly disagreed with gay marriage, Britney wrote on her Twitter: “Love is love! People should be able to do whatever makes them happy!”

See below for the video.

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