Cumming hailed as inspiration to gay youth

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Award-winning actor Alan Cumming is to be honoured by the US gay community after The Trevor Project described him as an “inspiration” to youngsters.

Cumming, who starred in hits such as Spy Kids, GoldenEye and X-Men, will receive The Trevor Hero Award at the organisation’s eighth annual New York gala at the end of the month.

The award honours an individual who, through his or her example, support, volunteerism or occupation, is an inspiration to gay and questioning youth.

Past recipients of The Trevor Hero Award include Tony Award-winning actor Nathan Lane (2007) and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Cunningham (2006).

“Alan has been an important and highly visible example to gay and questioning youth,” said Charles Robbins executive director of The Trevor Project.

“Alan Cumming’s unique and successful career makes him a wonderful role model for gay and questioning youth, and we are excited to honour him with The Trevor Hero Award.”

The bisexual actor, who divides his time between New York and London, said that he has always admired the work of Trevor and is delighted to be given the award.

“For a long time, I’ve admired the work of The Trevor Project and the support they give to America’s gay youth, so I’m really delighted and honoured to be given this award by such a great organisation,” said Mr Cumming.

“The Trevor Project really inspired me so this award truly is special, and I will continue to try and further their goals in my life and work.”

Trevor is a non-profit organisation that operates the US only around-the-clock suicide prevention helpline for gay and questioning youth.

In addition to the helpline, the organisation’s website provides information on identifying and assisting potentially suicidal youth.

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