US: Film streaming site creates “Netflix for Lesbians”

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A new website, Section II, has created “Netflix for Lesbians” in an attempt to reach an untouched market of lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer women.

The site’s goal is to support the better representation of queer women in cinema by sourcing and creating films solely related to LBTQ women, housing them on the Section II website for streaming.

Section II‘s name comes from the section of the Motion Picture Production Code, which outlawed lesbian characters on screen until 1968.

With about 100 films currently available on the site for streaming and download, Section II has the largest collection of LBTQ films in the world.

Creator Allie Esslinger told PinkNews that the company hopes to post and contract over 200 more films in the coming months.

Esslinger said: “We are super excited because we know if has always been hard to find content in general and, as gay has become more of a buzzword, it has been hard to find gay content that we are proud of within the community.

“We are excited to introduce these new content creators to bigger audiences. We just hope Section II will become a destination platform for people who are interested in LBTQ content and for filmmakers and content creators that can use it to get their work seen.”

Though content on the site is individually priced now, Esslinger said the company is looking into different types of subscription options for the future.

Section II is currently fundraising for its full launch on the funding site Seed and Spark.

Watch Allie Esslinger talk to HuffPost Live more about the site:

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