11 parents who won at parenting LGBT kids

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

PinkNews takes a look at a group of parents who winning when it comes to bringing up LGBT children.

1 This mother, who celebrated marriage equality with her lesbian daughter…

11 parents who won at parenting LGBT kids

2 This Dad, who cares more about grilling chicken…

11 parents who won at parenting LGBT kids

3 This mom, who cares a lot about her daughter’s love life…

11 parents who won at parenting LGBT kids

4 Or this one, who makes every effort to connect with her child.

11 parents who won at parenting LGBT kids

5 This dad who believes in stating the obvious

11 parents who won at parenting LGBT kids

6 All the feels…

11 parents who won at parenting LGBT kids

7 Step parents are cool too!

11 parents who won at parenting LGBT kids

8 “It’s bisexual, mom!!!”

11 parents who won at parenting LGBT kids

9 Wow!

11 parents who won at parenting LGBT kids

10 These parents who reacted in the best way possible

11 parents who won at parenting LGBT kids

11 Pass the tissues… this dad wins!

11 parents who won at parenting LGBT kids

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