John Oliver: There’s no better sign of unity than a gay club Latino night in Orlando

John Oliver of the HBO series ‘Last Week Tonight’ addressed the Orlando attacks in a short intro before an already-taped episode that aired yesterday.

“Right now, this just hurts” Oliver said. Visibly shaken, the show’s host compared the Orlando attacks to a pain that is familiar from Paris. “They targeted place symbolising everything that is so wonderful. Culture, music restaurants.”

(Photo by Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images)

The English comedian expressed his admiration for the club night, calling it a perfect symbol for what is great about America. “A Latin night at a gay club in the theme park capital of the world. I will happily embrace a Latin night at a gay club in the theme park of the world – as the ultimate symbol of what is truly wonderful about America.”

Oliver described how hard it is to know what to do in the wake of such an event. Before introducing his comedy show, which would begin with ‘jarringly inappropriate jangly music’, he offered up a positive aspect to the shootings.

A short video taken from Twitter showing hundreds of people lining up to donate blood to the people injured in the attack appeared on screen.

Oliver called the gunman a ‘dipsh*t terrorist’ but stressed the importance of unity, instead of focusing on one man’s attack of brutality and hatred.

“It might be worth seeing this video. It shows hundreds and hundreds of people this morning lining up around a block in Florida waiting to donate blood and it kind of reminds you that that terrorist dipsh*t is vastly out numbered.”

Oliver finished the rant and suggested everyone enjoyed their ‘stupid show’.

Watch the full clip:

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