Watch: The beautiful moment this newlywed couple were reunited

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The moment this couple were reunited after their wedding will simultaneously break and warm your heart.

Dale Green and Takashi Nakaya were re-united in LA’s West Veterans Administration Hospital after they got married 3 weeks ago.

Watch: The beautiful moment this newlywed couple were reunited

The pair live in Japan but Green has to travel back to the US every 3 months because he lives there under a tourist visa. After they got married, Mr Nakaya had to return to their home to work.

When the Korean war veteran last returned to the states he remained there to undergo treatment for his Stage 4 Melanoma cancer, which is terminal.

The couple got married just a few weeks ago because they were previously un-aware that same-sex marriage had been passed.

It is thought that Dale Green, 85, and Takashi Nakaya, 53, became the first same-sex couple to get married at a hospital in L.A.

The couple, who have been together for 31 years, hope the marriage can help them secure a green card for Takashi so they can live out their last moments together.

The Pride LA reported that staff at the hospital joined in the ceremony to help the pair celebrate.

Following their wedding and Mr Nakaya’s departure, doctors informed Mr Green that the treatments were not working and they would no longer be able to help him.

Mr Green, who was eager to see his life long partner once more, ordered the hospital to do everything they could to keep him alive so he could see Takashi.

The couple were worried that because of Mr Nakaya’s application for a green card he would be unable to re-enter the US during the application process, but he made it through without any issues.

Speaking to The Pride LA about their wedding, Takashi said: “For people to be accepting of us is one thing but to celebrate our love with use – total strangers- is something incredible.”

The future for the couple is uncertain, but these two certainly won’t let anything get in the way of them being happy together!

Watch the moment they re-unite here:

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