Thugs break into LGBTQ youth centre, hang noose from ceiling

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Vandals broke into a queer youth centre in Rhode Island overnight and hung a noose from the ceiling.

The break-in was reported at the Providence Youth Student Movement in Providence, Rhode Island.

The centre runs Queer & Trans Thursdays, a space for LGBTQ youth of colour and allies.

According to NewNowNext, two knives were stabbed into a table, while a noose was hung from a hook on the ceiling.
Thugs break into LGBTQ youth centre, hang noose from ceiling
The centre’s executive director Sarath Suong hit out at the vandals on Facebook, writing: “Maybe it was a prank, but IT IS NOT funny. But I don’t think it’s a joke, I think we were sent a CLEAR message.

“But here’s our message back: F**K YOU.

“You will not intimidate us, you will not steer us away from our mission, you will never dampen our spirit.

“You have only motivated us even more. We will continue to fight for justice and defend our community, our families, and our people.”

The centre’s website explains: “PrYSM organizes at the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexual orientation by centering youth, women, queer, and people of color leadership in our campaigns, our organization, and our communities.

“PrYSM mobilizes queer Southeast Asian youth, families, and allies to build grassroots power and organize collectively for social justice.

“Our program, Queer and Trans Thursdays creates safe spaces for queer and trans* people of color to advocate for ourselves, support our communities, organize for political empowerment, and build community.”

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