You might think she’s bisexual, but Tinashe really doesn’t want to label her sexuality. Here’s why

Tinashe bisexual

Tinashe has revealed that she tends to “shy away” from labelling her sexuality because of the pervasive “lack of understanding” about bisexuality.

The acclaimed singer-songwriter has previously revealed that she is attracted to both men and women – but said she didn’t want to label her sexuality.

Now, in a new interview with Gay Times, the “2 On” singer said people have “a lack of understanding” about what bisexuality is.

“It’s not that I don’t like putting a label on it,” she said.

Tinashe tends to ‘shy away from terms’ because she doesn’t want to be put in a box.

“But when you say you’re bisexual, a lot of people think… they just have a lack of understanding about what it is.

“And I tend to shy away from terms – I guess this is the theme of my life! – that make people want to categorise me or put me in a box.”

She continued: “I don’t like that s**t. But I can still give you a general sense of yeah, I’m bisexual. I’m somewhere on the spectrum. You know?”

Human beings are so versatile. I don’t understand why we’re so obsessed with categorising each other.

Tinashe went on to say that there are “such a variety of flavours and colours” of bisexuality.

“It’s not like all bisexual people like men and women equally – or like all bisexual people are a certain type of person.

“Human beings are so versatile. I don’t understand why we’re so obsessed with categorising each other.”

She added: “I never wanted people to think that I used it for attention. There are so many f**king stereotypes about being bisexual that made me want to shy away from talking about it. I’m much more open to having those discussions now.”

The singer has opened up about her sexuality several times over the last decade.

Tinashe first opened up about being bisexual in a tweet in 2011.

“I like boys. and I like girls. I just go so much love love loveeeeee to give #sueme,” she wrote at the time.

In 2012, she said in a blog post she didn’t want to label her sexuality.

“I don’t necessarily want to put a title on it, cause as soon as you put a title on it, people, you know, put it into a category where it has to be 50/50,” she wrote at the time.

“But I definitely know that I have an attraction to everyone and I love everybody.”

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